Dark Web Forums The Best Places for Ethical Hacking Discussions


Dark web forums are online communities where like-minded individuals come together to discuss various aspects of ethical hacking and cybersecurity. These forums provide a platform for users to share information, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. In this article, we will explore the top dark web forums for ethical hacking discussions in 2023. These forums offer a wealth of knowledge on hacking tools, techniques, and career advice. We will also discuss the different types of hacking and how to identify if sensitive or personal data is available on these forums. Finally, we will answer some commonly asked questions about ethical hacking. So, let’s dive in!

What is Hacking and Its Types?

Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorised access to a computer system or network. There are different types of hacking, including:

  1. SQL injection: This attack involves injecting malicious code into a website’s database to extract data or take control of the site.
  2. Denial of Service (DoS): A DoS attack overloads a system with requests, preventing legitimate users from accessing it.
  3. Cross-site scripting (XSS): An XSS attack injects malicious code into a website to execute attacks against users who visit the site.
  4. Phishing: Phishing attacks involve sending fraudulent messages or emails that appear to be from a legitimate source to trick users into revealing sensitive information.

While hacking is often associated with illegal activities, there are different types of hacking, including white hat hacking (ethical hacking). White hat hackers use their skills to improve security and help businesses protect sensitive information. Black hat hacking, on the other hand, involves malicious activities such as stealing information or spreading viruses. Grey hat hackers fall somewhere in between, using both legal and illegal methods to find vulnerabilities.

Ethical Hacking Forums: A Hub for Knowledge Sharing

Ethical hacking forums are online platforms where individuals interested in ethical hacking can share information, ask questions, and collaborate on various topics related to the field. These forums provide a supportive community where members can learn from each other’s experiences and enhance their hacking skills. They also discuss the ethical and legal implications of hacking.

These forums offer a wide range of resources, including tutorials, tools, articles, and discussions on the latest news in the hacking world. However, it’s important to note that not all information on these forums is reliable, so it’s essential to do your own research before attempting any hack and avoid revealing personal information.

Now, let’s explore some of the top dark web forums for ethical hacking discussions in 2023.

Top Dark Web Forums for Ethical Hacking Discussions

1. Torum – Non Profit Cybersecurity Forum

Torum is a non-profit cybersecurity forum with a mission to promote cybersecurity awareness and education. It provides resources and support for victims of cybercrime. Torum has a diverse range of members, from individual users to large corporations, and offers services such as a 24/7 help desk, training and certification programs, and lawyer referral services. It also conducts critical analysis of current cybersecurity trends and research on emerging threats.

2. Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is an ethical hacking forum dedicated to helping people learn and explore the world of ethical hacking. Members share their knowledge on topics such as bypassing security systems, finding vulnerabilities in websites, and protecting against cyber-attacks. The forum also discusses the ethical implications of hacking, helping individuals understand the consequences of their actions.

3. KickAss

KickAss is an ethical hacking forum founded in the early 2020s. It is used by hackers and IT professionals to discuss security vulnerabilities, malware, and hacking techniques. The forum takes a strict stance against illegal activities and cooperates with law enforcement to track down and prosecute criminals. KickAss offers resources such as tutorials, tools, and articles, and provides a platform for members to share their knowledge and experiences.

4. Hack This Site

Hack This Site is an ethical hacking forum that provides a safe, legal environment for people to learn how to hack. It offers challenges and tutorials on topics like web security and network security. Members can earn points and badges by completing challenges, encouraging continuous learning and skill development. The forum also has an active community of members who are willing to help others learn and improve.

5. Hack Forums

Hack Forums is an ethical hacking forum that has been operational for many years. It is dedicated to helping members learn about hacking, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest trends. The forum has an extensive database of tutorials and tools, and the community is always ready to assist with any questions. Hack Forums is home to famous hacking groups like Anonymous, LulzSec, and GhostSec.

6. BHF

BHF is an ethical hacking forum that provides a respectful and constructive environment for security researchers and enthusiasts. The community is closely moderated to ensure discussions remain on topic and respectful. BHF hosts events like monthly webinars and an annual conference. Members are passionate about keeping the internet safe and share their knowledge with the wider community.

7. Hack5 Forums

Hack5 Forums is one of the oldest and best ethical hacking forums. It is a platform where security professionals and enthusiasts discuss hacking techniques, share resources, and collaborate on projects. Hack5 Forums has a strict ethical code, prohibiting the use of skills for illegal or harmful purposes. It is a trusted source of information for security researchers and corporate IT departments.

8. Exploit.in

Exploit.in is a popular ethical hacking forum that has been active for over a decade. It hosts discussions on a wide range of topics, from the latest security vulnerabilities to the best tools and techniques for ethical hacking. The forum is also a place to find resources and code snippets for personal projects. Exploit.in is an excellent place to learn, network, and share knowledge with other like-minded individuals.

9. 0x00sec

0x00sec is an ethical hacking forum that aims to provide its members with knowledge and tools for success in the field. The community covers a wide range of topics, from basic security concepts to advanced exploitation techniques. 0x00sec also hosts popular projects like the pentesting platform Glastopf and the web application security scanner Wapiti. The forum offers resources such as podcasts, videos, and articles.

10. HackerPlace

HackerPlace is an ethical hacking forum dedicated to helping people learn and improve their hacking skills. It is divided into sections for general discussion, tutorials, news and events, and resources. HackerPlace has a private area for members only, providing a space for exclusive discussions. The forum is full of helpful individuals willing to share their knowledge and experience.

11. Exploits Database

Exploits Database is a forum that enables penetration testers, security researchers, and students to share and discuss exploits, research, and establish contact with others in the IT security community. It offers a searchable database of public exploits, white papers, HOWTOs, and reference material. The forum also provides a mailing list and IRC channel for discussions on exploit development and intrusion detection.

12. 0Day

0Day is an ethical hacking forum that aims to provide a safe and secure place for knowledge sharing and collaboration. It has a strict code of conduct and offers services such as vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and training courses. 0Day has gained popularity amongst law enforcement and government agencies, serving as a platform to track down malicious actors and investigate cybercrime.

13. SecList

SecList is an ethical hacking forum focused on security and technology. It aims to provide an open community for discussions and information sharing on various security topics. The forum features sections on specific tools, techniques, news, and announcements. Access to certain sections may require registration, but the forum is a valuable resource for learning about ethical hacking.

14. Nulled

Nulled is an ethical hacking forum that has gained popularity over the years. With over two million members, it is one of the most popular forums for discussing and sharing information about ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Nulled provides a platform for open discussion and exchange of ideas, though it does not condone illegal activities. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in ethical hacking.


BiTSHACK is a community dedicated to sharing information and resources on hacking techniques, tools, and best practices. It includes security professionals, researchers, and students from around the world. BiTSHACK offers a respectful and constructive environment for discussions and hosts events like webinars and an annual conference. The community is passionate about keeping the internet safe and sharing knowledge with others.

16. HackADay

HackADay is one of the world’s largest communities of hackers, makers, and engineers. It provides resources and information on hacking, with a focus on education and knowledge sharing. HackADay offers tutorials, tools, news articles, challenges, and competitions to enhance skills and stay updated on the latest trends. The forum is a great resource for anyone interested in hacking or security.

17. The Evil Zone

The Evil Zone is a hacking forum that aims to provide resources and information for ethical hackers. It has a strict code of conduct against illegal activities and cooperates with law enforcement. The forum offers a wide range of resources, including tools, tutorials, and a marketplace for buying and selling hacking services. The Evil Zone has had a positive impact on the hacker community.

18. Dark Web Forum

Dark Web Forum is an online community for ethical hackers and cybersecurity enthusiasts. It offers a safe space for users to share information, collaborate, and buy or sell hacking tools and services. While it does not condone illegal activities, it provides a platform for open discussion and exchange of ideas. Dark Web Forum is an essential stop for those interested in ethical hacking or cybersecurity.

19. Tinkernut

Tinkernut is a well-known forum for ethical hacking and information security. It provides a wide range of resources, including tutorials, tools, and news articles. Tinkernut has a vibrant community of tech-savvy users passionate about internet safety. The forums are a great place to share ideas, learn, and network with other members. Tinkernut is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in hacking or security.

20. Exploit Database

Exploit Database is an ethical hacking forum that provides information on vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, and tools for various platforms. It offers a searchable database of exploits, white papers, HOWTOs, and reference material. Exploit Database also offers a mailing list and IRC channel for discussions on exploit development and intrusion detection. It is a valuable resource for staying updated on the latest security research.

Secure Yourself Before Accessing Dark Web Forums

Before accessing dark web forums, it is important to take some basic security precautions to protect your computer and personal information. Here are a few tips:

  1. Install a good firewall and antivirus program on your computer to protect against malicious software.
  2. Be cautious of clicking on links or downloading files from dark web forums unless you are confident in their safety.
  3. Verify the reliability of information found on these forums by conducting your own research from trusted sources.
  4. Avoid revealing personal information on dark web forums to protect your privacy.

By following these precautions, you can safely access dark web forums and engage in ethical hacking discussions.


Dark web forums serve as valuable platforms for ethical hacking discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration within the cybersecurity community. These forums provide a wealth of resources, tutorials, tools, and discussions on hacking techniques, vulnerabilities, and ethical implications. By monitoring these forums, you can stay updated on the latest trends, identify potential threats, and enhance your organisation’s security measures. Remember to take necessary precautions and verify information found on these forums before taking any action. Stay informed, stay secure, and continue learning and growing in the field of ethical hacking.

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